We have gotten our second estimate or preparing the land for building and it is much more reasonable. Sometimes things just have a way of working out and this newest development is further evidence of that. While we were up logging the land a neighbor of ours stopped down to have a chat. He mentioned the name of an independent contractor, S. E. Rodich Excavations, which did road work for the community and also some side jobs for residents. Well we took his advice and Rodich came back with an estimate that was one third the cost of the first! Needless to say we are going with him. 
We also happened to mention to this same neighbor that we had a lot of trees still to cut down and he mentioned that he was in desperate need of firewood. With more than enough wood on our property we struck up a deal. I recently returned from a fishing trip and visit to the property and was pleased to see that not only were the trees that we needed cut down gone but that a simple cleared driveway had been pushed in to help haul out the lumber. This drive is quite useful for us for moving supplies in and out and general access of the site. Things are looking up!

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